2 thoughts on “Luna 07 Dome Connectors”

  1. Tunnel passage ways or corridors to get from light source to light source. From Installation to Installation. I am trying to see if their could be an area on the moon that they all are leading to. Copernicus crater and Mare Fecunditatis have many area’s with basin like rivers or huge pools of a blue substance. Corridors are all over those area’s. Aristarchus crater and Kepler Crater all with corridors. Mare Crisium and Mare Serenatatis all connected with corridors. Plato Crater and Sinus Iridum all connected to the entire list I just said. No Jokes. Zoom in and see for yourselves.


  2. Only a matter of time until the World believes this. They are waiting for NASA to tell them. Hope that works for you all. loll


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