This is my personal work. I post everything knowing you will share these by the share buttons please and not by taking them as yours. These are important to show the world that Celestial bodies are off course throughout our entire Galaxy and maybe even further. Who knows.

I work hard and this technique is superb and exact in it’s detail as I am obtaining footage and photography of objects unseen by the naked eye. It is my belief that possibly the planets and stars around us including our planet Earth is undergoing a major shift. What is causing this shift we can only speculate for now. Planets and stars off course and losing their gravitational hold inside of their systems or galaxies. Some approaching our moon and is most likely causing the planets and stars in our Solar System to shift. Southwards. The dangers of certain stars with toxic gas in the stars atmosphere could have a major affect on our health. Both for the temperature changes and a whole slew of other challenges we may not know of. Asteroids are seen everyday now and with the naked eye meteors almost every morning here can be seen and coming from every angle. Up and down. Left to right. Right to left.  We now see the catastrophic events that we are hit with and it’s only the beginning.They will get larger and more frequent. How long will the shift last. What are the dangers of the approaching celestial objects. This may be something that may never be regulated. Fear of Earth itself leaving the Solar System after losing it’s gravitational hold or worse going straight into the sun. We would all be well you know.

I saw what looked like Arcturus with my own eyes in the sky so close. Once processed it was radiating green and I saw Aldebaran (IN FRONT) of the CLOUDS. YES IN FRONT!!!! Asteroids around the Moon. Crazy Events going on.

The Moon is NOT 400 000 km away.  Neither are the Constellations Millions of Light Years Away. We are stuck in a dome. NASA knows it. Now we wait.

Clavius Crater – Copernicus Crater – Eratosthenes Crater. Astro Photography by Bruce Swartz. (planetary Research for Truth)


There is a tunnel structure communicating to a winding pipe or tunnel that turns towards, Montes Apenninus Mountain Range and goes completely over it. It is important to clarify this for everyone. I am working on it. I posted it before but I want to really get in close. With the new telescope we will be seeing quite the difference I want you all to know.  We are well on our way to seeing things we never have before. Possibly even what No man or woman lol has seen before. LOOK at Clavius Crater how the supposed craters are aligned and one size smaller then the other. Analyze this crater it really does not look natural.

Lava flow from overflowing craters after asteroid impact on the Lunar Surface…Hmmm I see it differently. My theory on the Moon’s Surface Terrain. One photo is from an Unknown Planet.

We all know to build a massive structure, we will first need a solid foundation. I believe possibly that the rocks that were excavated from the Moon’s surface were then melted in massive fusioning caldrons. Possibly streams of lava flow were deliberately poured to create giant slides with walls that brought the lava over the surface of the moon. Possibly a way of laying out what was fusioned.  Rocks INSIDE the surface will be harder to burn. Rocks are composed of so many compressed minerals that each have a different boiling point therefore lol only certain minerals inside the rocks composition will burn and the rest will remain in physical form. A rock does not melt homogeneously. When a rock stats to melt, the minerals with the lower melting point melt first, and the minerals with higher melting point take a lot longer. Because of that, rock melting in nature is usually an incomplete, partial phenomena: only some minerals melt, while others remains solid.

Can the Magma formed after burning the rocks be used as a solid foundation for massive structures? Also taking into consideration the gravity in space and how it would interact on any built structure.  Just think out of the box. I could have written a book on this subject. I will later on for now lol we learn together. Enjoy these astonishing photos of the Moon’s surface. I am working hard on ways to filter through the haze on the moon’s surface to bring you a real view of the topography and geography of the Moon. 



So the surface can be riddled with the unburnt process minerals that possibly could have a reflective value to them. Causing us as specially with a haze to see brilliant colors reflecting back.






Ray System On The Moon’s Surface Detailed Surface Topography And Geography.

These supposed Ray Systems run into and out of the Moon’s surface, along their path’s. In the next video coming up I show the very close surface and great detail of the Moon’s geography and Topography. All the many elevated and descending levels. Mountains and Ridges longing thousands of miles. Some of these Ray Systems (Ejecta) are far to detailed and follow far too complex path’s, to be Ejecta formed by the lava flow of impacting asteroids.

Sub Surface empty spaces on the Moon and Sub Terranean Tunnels could possibly exist on the moon. Are they there because of underground rivers? Or were they built and excavated? In these photos of the surface we can see supposed Ejecta going in and out of the Moon’s surface. Possibly into Sub Terranean Lower Levels. Why are the Ray Systems so bright? The white ejecta if filled with built objects. Some symmetrical, some not. The veins I call them or tunnels at times run in straight path’s for over  one thousand km. 

A permanent asymmetric moon dust cloud exists around the Moon, created by small particles from comets. Estimates are 5 tons of comet particles strike the Moon’s surface each 24 hours. The particles strike the Moon’s surface ejecting moon dust above the Moon. The dust stays above the Moon approximately 10 minutes, taking 5 minutes to rise, and 5 minutes to fall. On average, 120 kilograms of dust are present above the Moon, rising to 100 kilometers above the surface. The dust measurements were made by LADEE’s Lunar Dust EXperiment (LDEX), between 20 and 100 kilometers above the surface, during a six-month period. LDEX detected an average of one 0.3 micrometer moon dust particle each minute. 

I believe this also has to do with the color we are seeing as the Sunlight reflects through the dust and the water molecules in the air.  The Ejecta reflects even more through a surface haze. When filming the moon with my telescope and a cloud goes before me it makes the surface of the moon very white and reflective. 

It looks like rivers and lakes could possibly exist on the moon so long me. Frozen ice on the Moon’s Surface? Well that would be contradictory to what scientists say photodecomposition is. It is a chemical reaction in which a chemical compound is broken down by photons. It is defined as the interaction of one or more photons with one target molecule. Any photon with sufficient energy can affect the chemical bonds of a chemical compound (LIKE WATER). Therefore the water would decompose and be sent out into space. So is water present or not. We always seem to get a large variety of different theories. All Different to one another.  I believe it is good to have a theory but science is stuck on the same theories. Time to explore through different ways and techniques.  These photos of the Moon’s Geography was taken by me.