Thermal Imaging The Moon, The Sun And Saturn.

What Is Thermal Imaging: the technique of using the heat given off by an object to produce an image of it or locate it.

Thermography:  Infrared thermography (IRT), thermal imaging, and thermal video are examples of infrared imaging science. Thermographic cameras usually detect radiation in the long-infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum (roughly 9,000–14,000 nanometers or 9–14 µm) and produce images of that radiation, called thermograms. Since infrared radiation is emitted by all objects with a temperature above absolute zero. thermography permits us to see an invisible environment with or without visible illumination. The amount of radiation emitted by an object increases with temperature; therefore, thermography allows one to see variations in temperature. When viewed through a thermal imaging camera, warm objects stand out well against cooler backgrounds; humans and other warm-blooded animals become easily visible against the environment, day or night. As a result, thermography is very useful to the military and other users of surveillance camera’s.

What are the meanings of the Colors?
Their are many factors to take into consideration  when we are viewing Thermal Images;  The color  is a map of the temperature (base) and the temperature (range).

Colors – It’s important to understand that particular colors are not assigned to a particular temperature in all thermal images.
Colors are simply a visual aid to understanding the temperature gradients involved in each image. Colors are assigned arbitrarily
according to the particular color map used for an image  
It would be incorrect to assume that particular colors may be warmer or cooler. information about the surface temperature of the Moon are contained 
in its emitted thermal infrared (IR) radiation.

We can see where the temperatures collide and interact. Thermal imaging is also used to decipher the temperatures of the inside of the Moon.